The first word that came out of DIRTY ROTTEN BASTARDS after completing its first EP album, is FINALLY COMING OUT .. !! Hahaha, shit !!
Yep, DIRTY ROTTEN BASTARDS (DRB) is a band that was formed in East Jakarta in 2014, initially we were only filled with 3 people, namely Rizman (Guitar + Vocal), Noval (Drums), and Jona (Bass + Back Vocal). As time went by, because Edwin often joined us in jamming, and often became a poser when we performed, we agreed with a heavy heart to recruit Edwin as DRB Guitarist + Back Vocalist even without skills. Ha ha ha!! What’s Skill ?? J
5 year together, Finally! This EP album was completed, after being suspended for almost 2 years due to the busyness of each personnel. The EP album with the theme “Senandung Persaudaraan” contains 5 songs in which 4 song lyrics were written by Jonathan and 1 song was written by our beloved brother, Honey Wijaya. Thank you Ms. Honey for contributing lyrics for us! Ha ha ha! By the way, the 5 song titles include:
- Menolak Dibungkam
The song tells about our anxiety about social environmental conditions, the deprivation of land rights, and human rights that are sometimes underestimated by the authorities and investors.
- Kelas Pekerja
An anthem about workers who feel always belittled. We want the listeners of this song to always remember, whatever your work, entrepreneurs, lower class workers, supervisors, prostitutes, street vendors, or whoever you are, keep working and working, give the best for your life, and to the people you love. , don’t get hung up on their talk out there who always look down on you! Oi!
- Prove it!
We believe, the song lyrics by Mbak Hani Wijaya were written when she was below the lowest point, when Dewi Fortuna was not with her. But he never gave up always tried to give the best energy to the people around him. Ms. Hani, we love you!
- Fantasi Liar
The only song with a slightly naughty lyrics, where a young man is forced to remember his former lover again, which then his delusion makes him have to experience several ejaculations in one night. Ha ha ha ha!
- Senandung Persaudaraan
Yep! This is the mainstay song as well as the theme of the DRB EP Album, this song is dedicated to Rockalibi Squad friends and all humans who stand in this beloved country. Because whoever we are, whatever our genre, our social status, religion, and RAS, we should respect each other, support each other as fellow human beings without a reed perspective. And until this body is one with the motherland’s land, we are still brothers!
Okay, that’s what the song from our Mini Album looks like. Thank you, and our big hope is that we will continue to be consistent and not get bored working, and the messages conveyed in the lyrics on this album can be accepted by our music lovers. Intrigued by this Senandung Persaudaraan Mini Album ??